Naviate Daylight
Automate daylight area ratio checking of your BIM model for optimising design decisions on indoor lighting, windows and other elements for better work and living areas.

Naviate Daylight
Naviate Daylight automates the checking of daylight requirements (simplified method) based on local standards. Set the minimum window to floor area ratio requirement for each room and the plug-in automatically checks if the room meets the specified requirements. Get a quick overview of how much daylight each room has, given by the glazing areas of all bay walls and windows from each room. Naviate Daylight uses the floor area of all defined rooms in the model to define floor areas needed to calculate the daylight ratio and to get the room's bounding surrounding walls, windows and glazing.

- Norwegian regulations: Byggteknisk forskrift § 13-7. Light
- Swedish regulations: Boverkets byggregler § 6.322 Daylight (SS 914201)
- Danish regulations: Bygningsreglementet § 379 Daylight
- Finnish regulations: Ympäristöministeriön asetus asuin-, majoitus- ja työtiloista 5 § Asuin-, majoitus- ja työtilan ikkuna
- German regulations: BRISbouwbesluit § 3.11 Daylight (NEN 2057)
- Worldwide green building certification programme from U.S.
- Green Building Council (USGBC) LEED 2009 EQc 8.1
- European Committee for Standardisation (CEN/TC) 169 EN 17037:2018 Daylight in buildings
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