AutoCAD Architecture/MEP: AEC objects not showing in previous versions of AutoCAD

AutoCAD Architecture/MEP: AEC objects not showing in previous versions of AutoCAD
AEC or Proxy created in .dwg 2018 file format display as boxes when the drawing is down saved and opened in a previous release.


AEC or Proxy elements are not backward compatible.


To resolve this behaviour use one of the following methods.

If it is important to keep the AEC or Proxy elements intact and be able to view them in a previous release:
  • In the latest release enable PROXYGRAPHICS = 1 before down saving the file to a previous .dwg file format.
Please note: The AEC or Proxy elements should be displayed as drawn in the latest release, but will not be editable. To edit the AEC or Proxy you need to use the same product release that was used to create them.
If it is important to provide editing ability of the elements:

If you are still experiencing errors after following the steps above, please do not hesitate to contact our Technical Support Team HERE 


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