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Inventor 2019 is built for today’s engineering and design professionals.
Inventor customers from around the world continue to provide feedback and drive enhancements to the Inventor 2019 experience. This release marks a continued focus on improved performance, automation, and core modeling workflows that enable professional-grade mechanical engineering design. Inventor 2019 also connects to the Autodesk cloud to unlock collaboration, design, and supply chain user workflows.
Inventor 2019 is focused on helping customers design great products. As customer workflows evolve, so does Inventor.
With 2019, Inventor is focused on Professional Grade Design and Engineering, Cloud Connected Workflows, and the Inventor Experience for our customers.
Professional Grade
Design and engineering professionals work to deliver innovation and high-quality products every day. Inventor 2019 delivers with professional grade improvements in design, automation, and performance to stay ahead of market demands.
Assembly/Drawing Performance
Assembly – in-place editing, assembly updates, positional representations, assembly features, pattern selection, and more.
With Inventor 2019, customers are seeing 7x faster 3D sectioning in assemblies, 35% reduction in compute time and rebuilds faster by up to 80%.
The Help content for Inventor 2019 also included updates to Large Assembly Best Practices and Large Assembly Modeling Workflows to help customers take advantage of the performance enhancements delivered with this release.
General▸Display of Threads ▸Mouse Wheel Zoom Content Center▸In-Memory Caching |
Display speed of threaded holes and Zoom consistency with Mouse Wheel, 3D mouse and Zoom Command.
Content Center In-Memory Caching
To reduce your time waiting for remotely hosted content to display, Inventor Content Center now caches the remote content during the session. When content is accessed, the initial content is cached for subsequent use eliminating the need to make the remote request again in that session. When the Inventor session concludes, the cache is cleared.
iLogic is the automation engine built into Inventor. Almost 20% of Inventor users leverage iLogic in their designs. Autodesk have invested in making it easier to use, giving customers the ability to manage rules across their company and with Inventor 2019 the ability to have it add and delete parts, assemblies and constraints in iLogic driven designs. Improvements to iLogic help more users access this powerful functionality and power their Inventor designs in more powerful and efficient workflows.
Components and Management Behaviour
iLogic improvements make it easier to create rule code for adding, modifying, and deleting components and constraints.
Document Units Geometry
There are new functions that use document units for coordinate values and objects representing points, vectors, and matrices.
New iLogic Assembly Add Constraints Functions
The new iLogic Relationships (Add) functions allow you to create an iLogic assembly whose occurrences and constraints are generated by a rule.
New Capture Current State Commands
The Capture Current State command now retains states when you use Components.
Constrain Geometry by Assigned Names
You can now assign names to faces and edges, and then create a rule that adds the constraint(s) directly to a faces
iLogic Help for Functions
iLogic functions arguments are now available from the iLogic API Reference help node. This help content is in English only.
Model-Based Definition is available inside every version of Inventor. This is based on demand from customers to streamline manufacturing workflows, automate drawing creation or eliminate drawings.
With Inventor 2019, MBD continues to be enhanced based on customer feedback and industry demands.
Tolerance Advisor Shows Face Status Colouring
Previously, Tolerance Advisor reported only the status of the tolerance scheme. You can now enable Face Status Colouring to display the constraint state on the model. Click Face Status Colouring at the bottom of the Tolerance Advisor browser to turn face colouring on and off.
3D Annotation Hole/Thread Note Displays Quantity
In the previous release, the quantity of a hole pattern was displayed only when you used a Tolerance Feature to annotate the hole. The General Annotation Hole/Thread Note command was updated to display the pattern quantity.
Inventor 2019 connects to the Autodesk Cloud to allow users to collaborate, design, and communicate their designs in new and powerful ways. A cloud-connected Inventor enables you to leverage your design beyond the desktop with simple, secure, and powerful workflows.
Another Subscription Benefit is Autodesk Drive.
Autodesk Drive is a cloud storage solution that allows individuals and small teams to organize, preview, and share any type of design data |
AnyCAD for Fusion 360 continues as a Preview in Inventor 2019. This Preview allows you to experience new features on a test-only basis within Inventor before these features are fully released.
This new AnyCAD workflow allows you to take advantage of the power of Inventor and Fusion 360 together.
Inventor continues to expand AnyCAD functionality by adding support for Fusion 360 design files.
Bring Fusion 360 models directly into Inventor for system integration, large assembly design, and documentation. When the Fusion 360 design is updated, the changes can be consumed in Inventor.
Similarly, you can reference Inventor parts and assemblies into Fusion 360 for cloud-enabled simulation, CAM, and more. Because Fusion 360 now uses the same AnyCAD technology, changes in the Inventor model can be automatically consumed in Fusion 360.
AnyCAD gives you the flexibility to use Inventor’s world-class 3D mechanical engineering design capabilities with the Product Innovation Platform, giving you the power to make anything.
General Inventor 2019 Enhancements:
Over 25 Inventor Ideas have been delivered with Inventor 2019 on top of all the other enhancements to the product.
As Autodesk refresh existing commands in Inventor, their goal is to ensure they are adding new functionality and workflows based on customer feedback. This approach was used for both the Browser and Measure Command Panel updates in prior releases. With Inventor 2019, the same Panel experience was delivered for the Hole Command.
Hole Command
The new Hole command is faster and smarter by inferring hole placement from your interactions. You can apply dimensional and concentric constraints without first creating a sketch. The switch between feature editing and sketch editing without exiting the command.
Nearly 40% of Inventor customers use sheet metal every day. Inventor continues to deliver enhancements to Sheet Metal to meet the changing demands for modern design and manufacturing.
Sheet Metal Face and Corner Enhancements
Many have asked to be able to center the sheet metal part along its thickness. Autodesk heard you, and the Face command now supports extruding from the mid-plane to create a symmetric face.
Laser Weld Relief Shape
The Linear Weld corner relief terminates on a point, the Arc Weld corner relief shape terminates with a straight line segment. The new Laser Weld corner relief terminates with a tangent arc and is more suitable for laser cut parts.
Migrate Custom Settings
Use Migrate Custom Settings to bring your existing customization and Application Option settings into the latest Inventor Release. Administrators have additional control over the use of this option in deployments. |
Colour Scheme Enhancement
The colour scheme editor is installed as part of Inventor 2019. You can access it from the Application Options > Colour Tab. Customizations are saved to the Application Options xml file.
Sketch Enhancements
The Helical Curve command has been enhanced to support creating a variable pitch helix. For drawing sketches, Autoproject edges during curve creation has been improved to behave the same as model sketches.
Inverted Fillet
You can create a fillet with 1) convex edges or 2) concave edges.
Direct Edit Now Supports Automatic Blending
Previously with 3D Model tab -Modify panel- Direct Edit, you could only rotate or move a face feature to another location. When deselected, Automatic Blending maintains this behavior and moves a face to a new location. When selected, the total length of a face feature is modified. Automatic blending is a re-blending technology that automatically moves adjacent tangential faces and also creates new blends if required. It is available when you move or rotate a face.
Thicken Command Enhancement
Information about the depth and the method now display in the browser when the Application Option/Parts tab ‘Display extended information after feature node name in browser’ setting is enabled.
We know the list of features and enhancements may be a lot to take in so if you have any questions about any of what we have outlined above, contact us and request to speak with one of our Inventor Specialists Today!