What is BIM in Construction? Everything You Need to Know
Symetri offers a wide range of BIM programs, BIM training and consulting services. Here you will find everything you need to know about BIM. Read more here!
After installing Revit 2021 or below, the templates and families are missing can often be missing.
One of the main reasons that these do not get installed can be down to network issues. In order to install the content:
The default location for the templates and families is C:ProgramData/Autodesk/RVT 20XX. They should now be visible in this location.
Sometimes, you may not be able view the Program Data folder. This is because this folder is hidden. You can reveal hidden folders through your control panel.
If they are not in this location after the above procedure is carried out, perform a full uninstall of the content libraries through the control panel. Next, perform a clean reinstall from the media or download installer. This is only for the content library.
Open, Revit>Options>File Locations to now set the correct paths for your templates and families.