What is BIM in Construction? Everything You Need to Know
Symetri offers a wide range of BIM programs, BIM training and consulting services. Here you will find everything you need to know about BIM. Read more here!
Often we have a requirement to uniformly scale a part *.ipt or an a assembly *.iam, many of you may or may not know how to this.
The requirement to scale a part or a Assembly is to explore different options within your design or to create a scaled instance of the part, assembly without going through the redesign process.
To scale the part, assembly we go through a number of steps.
1) Open up a new part
2) Select Finish Sketch (This will bring you into Part Environment)
3) Go to “Manage” tab and Select “Derive”
4) Select Part or Assembly to derive
5) Once the part or assembly is open you will be able to change the scale (1.00 is set as default) and even create a mirror about a plane of that file.
There are a few options when you derive a part including what level of detail you would like to show on the part, whether it will be surface representation (lightweight) or full body detail.
The following commands, enabling you to choose to create a single body part with or without seams between planar faces, a multi-body part if the source contains multiple bodies, or a part with work surfaces.
Creates a single solid body part with merged seams between planar faces.
If the source contains a single body, creates a single body part. If the source contains multiple visible solid bodies, select the required bodies to create a multi-body part. This is the default option.
One other thing to note is that there is a link between the derived Part and the Base part or Assembly, what this means if you update the base part the derived part will request to be updated also. You can choose to break the link at any time.
Hope this helps.
As always if you need anything further just contact the Procad team