Generative Design within Fusion 360

Generative Design within Fusion 360

Following the latest Fusion 360 update users will be able to export designs from Fusion directly to Autodesk Generative Design. This addition to Fusion 360 will allow designers and engineers to harness unlimited computing power of an advanced AI design tool to create and innovate new and exciting designs.

What is Generative Design?

Generative design mimics nature’s evolutionary approach to design. Designers or engineers input design goals into generative design software, along with parameters such as materials, manufacturing methods, and cost constraints. Then, using cloud computing, the software explores all the possible permutations of a solution, quickly generating design alternatives. It tests and learns from each iteration what works and what doesn’t.

With generative design, there is no single solution; instead, there are potentially thousands of great solutions. You choose the design that best fits your needs.

Benefits of Generative Design

Explore a wider range of design options

During the ideation phase of a project a team of designers and engineers need to generate a vast range of ideas and concepts, using the power of AI, Generative Design can generate thousands, along with the data to prove which designs perform best. With the aid of AI designers will be able to explore ideas and concepts which traditionally they could not have imagined boosting creativity and innovation.

Make impossible designs possible

Generative design lets you create optimized complex shapes and internal lattices replicating the way cells are form within nature. Some of these forms are impossible to make with traditional manufacturing methods. Instead, they’re built using new additive manufacturing methods.

Optimize for materials, manufacturing methods, and cost

Generative Design allows the designers to set goals and parameters, and the software will create high-performing design options based on those constraints. For example, the user can specify that they would like designs with the best strength to weight ratio or a design that uses the least amount of material at the lowest cost to produce. The software resolves conflicting design constraints so you can focus on innovating.

Examples of Generative Design

A number of companies have already begun to harness the power of Generative Design to innovate and create new products or respond to challenges or new regulations in their field.

Airbus, are responding to new regulations to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2050 this has resulted in Airbus having to innovate and create new solutions to reduce the CO2 emissions created by their airplanes. Airbus has responded to this by using Generative Design to create lighter partitions and internal components for the A320 model. Using Generative Design combined with added manufacturing the designers and engineers at Airbus were able to create what they call the Bionic Partition, reducing the overall weight of the aircraft in turn reducing fuel consumption.

Under Armour, another early adopter of Generative Design. Responding to the needs of athletes and customers Under Armour incorporated Generative Design into designing a new Architect sneaker. Again, using additive manufacturing processes Under Armour were able to develop a insole which uses the dynamic lattice network to create greater cushioning and support to athletes in training. The new design also creates a product which will last much longer compared to competitor’s products.

Want to learn more about Autodesk Fusion 360 or the latest update, then contact us today!


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